Tag: William Sanford
Boomer Vibe “Sessions”
B-Side Vibes
Do The Buttcrack
Don’t Forget to Share the Love —>
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(Do the Buttcrack is a satirical meme song so you’re invited to make a TikTok, Reel, or Short. Do the Buttcrack is also intentionally vague and nonsensical so there is no wrong way to “do the buttcrack”)
Magic Water
Cool Memories
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Not everyone has the luxury of time or money to go on a road trip.
Constantly consumed by the endless cycle of bills and reality in life,
Cool Memories is the dream come true in the wildest and liberating form.
From Columbus, Indiana, to Marfa, Texas, to Rothko Chapel, Texas, and Saugatuck shore,
William Sanford takes you on a psychedelic trip built on senses and imagination.
You’re only one click away from the treat.”
He uses a wide range of instrumentation on his works to achieve a holistic perception of his musical canvas.
– Indie Dock Music Blog on “Cool Memories”
“O artista de Indiana, Chicago, nos traz um trabalho de altíssima sensibilidade,
onde estruturas ambient, dialogam com a new-age e suas “suscitudes” sonoras místicas,
probabilidades da música eletrônica, amplitudes progressivas,
art-rock, downtempo e IDM. “Cool Memories”
é um belíssimo conjunto de cinco canções capitaneado por William Sanford.”
-Roadie Music on “Cool Memories”
“It has an almost folk quality to its opening sections.
That gets swept away when the beats come and it spirals off in chiming swirls.”
-Acid Ted on “I Dreamt of Marfa”
“That switch was AMAZING!!! I’m telling you It’s like a journey from beginning to end.”
-Crown Family on “Together at Rothko Chapel”
I found myself getting drifted away…. losing myself in it.
– Note’s Reviews on Cool Memories
Travel was once a means of being elsewhere,
or of being nowhere.
Today it is the only way we have of
feeling that we are somewhere.
-Jean Baudrillard
William’s Mom and Dad
Beloved Bird, Ernie is available everywhere you enjoy music
“RIP Mom”
Don’t Forget to Share the Love —>
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The Big Guy Likes Sci Fi is available everywhere you enjoy music.
The Charmingly Boring Lives of Snails
The Charmingly Boring Lives of Snails is available everywhere you enjoy music.
Don’t Forget to Share the Love —>
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“São 5 músicas distribuídas entre pouco mais de 16 minutos, que cumpre bem a proposta do Indie Rock,
com belos arranjos, riffs melódicos e linhas vocais agradavéis e interessantes.
Sem sombras de dúvidas vai agradar e em cheio aos fãs do estilo.
Aperte o play e confira.”
-Roadie Music on “The Charmingly Boring Lives of Snails”
“Slow and Steady always wins the race.”
-Crown Family on “A Cute Little Snail Adventure (Opening Credits)”
Itty, Bitty, Snails
Go on a Cute,
Little Adventure
Indivisible is available everywhere you enjoy music.
Don’t Forget to Share the Love —>
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Now that the dust
has settled.
And my favorite
team has won.
My ceremonial robes
and insignia,
I don.
Cuz’ there’s something
The payment
has come due.
You see they came
for my soul.
Now they’re coming
for you.
Wishing You a Happy Apocalypse and a Comfortable Isolation
Wishing You a Happy Apocalypse and a Comfortable Isolation is available everywhere you enjoy music.
Don’t Forget to Share the Love —>
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“Absurdist, dadaist, weird and aggressive. Hell yeah!!!”
-Tome to the Weather Machine on “American DaDa (Election Year)
“An out of the usual attempt to bridge the wide gulf between modern electronica and progressive rock.”
-NagaMag on “We Will Fight and Defeat These Bulbous Spheres with their Tiny Little Crowns
“I really, really like what you did with this record man. I really, really like it.
It’s like a journey.”
-Crown Family on “We Will Fight and Defeat These Bulbous Spheres with their Tiny Little Crowns
I keep going back to the word “Pleasant”, but that’s what it was….. pleasant.”
-Notes Reviews on “Wishing You A Happy Apocalypse and a Comfortable Isolation”